Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms. In fact, it is actually the most accessed website in the world, with 2.6 billion monthly users in March 2020. Also as of March 2020, there are 4.446 million users in Singapore. Based on these statistics alone, I believe it is clear how Facebook can help your business gain reach and engagement. However, not everyone knows how to market their business on Facebook effectively. Hence, in this post, I will share 5 tips on how to market your business on Facebook so that you can also make full use of this platform for your business. 

  1. Create a Facebook Page
  2. Choose your Facebook page name wisely
  3. Post on your Facebook page regularly
  4. Talk to your audience
  5. Consider posting ads on Facebook

1. Create a Facebook page

First things first, to start marketing your business on Facebook, it is highly recommended that you create a Facebook page for your business. Why should you create a Facebook page when a normal account works just fine? There are many reasons for this. One of which is that you can target your specific audience. You can narrow down your audience by location, age group and interests. This is very helpful as it allows you to provide content to people who would enjoy it. Moreover, a Facebook page also allows you to look at the insights of your content and give you a good gauge of how your content is doing amongst your audience. You can then know how to improve from then. To learn more about this, check out our article to learn how to create your Facebook page.

2. Choose your Facebook page name wisely

Although this sounds like a straightforward tip, it is actually very important. When creating your Facebook page, you should use a name that directly links to your business. Don’t think too hard into it. Use your business name as it is so that your audience can easily find your page. 

3. Post on your Facebook page regularly

Like all other social media platforms, it is important that you post on your page regularly. Update it with good visuals and content that your audience will enjoy. By posting regularly, you can engage with your audience and make them visit your page more often. You will also appear as an active business, so that people who come across your page will know that you will be updating often and hence follow your page. 

4. Talk to your audience

Other than just posting the content, it is important that you interact with your audience. By interacting with them, you can hear what they think about your business or their concerns and suggestions. Facebook provides different ways for you to talk to your audience. One example is stories. You can create and post short content through stories or use polls to engage with your audience. Also, you can host Facebook Live sessions to directly answer questions from your audience and connect with them. If not, replying to their comments on your page is a simple yet effective way to engage with your audience. People on social media love to be heard, hence a simple action from you will go a long way. 

5. Consider posting ads on Facebook

Lastly, if you would like to spend money on your Facebook marketing strategy, you can consider creating ads on the platform. Based on HootSuite Digital 2018, over 2 billion people can be reached through Facebook ads. That is a significant number!

Facebook offers a range of ads (eg boosting an existing post or promoting your page) that serve different ad objectives. Think about your business goals and what you want your ad to achieve. From there, you would be able to find an objective that corresponds to that and you can start to create your ad!  You are able to choose who you want to see the ad, where you want it to be seen and how you want it to look like. After designing your own ad, you will be able to track the progress and see how effective the ad is in marketing your business. 

That’s my 5 tips on how to market your business using Facebook. If you would like to start on digital marketing, in particular, social media marketing, you definitely should consider Facebook pages. With the user-friendly format and clear instructions (there are online courses on this too!), you can definitely get the hang of it in no time and start to use Facebook to market your business successfully.