Key Takeaways

  • WhatsApp Dominance: Discover how WhatsApp continues to bind Singaporeans, influencing daily communications and family connections in 2023.
  • Facebook’s Impact: Explore the enduring appeal of Facebook, where Singaporeans spend significant hours, making it a prime platform for businesses and marketers.
  • Twitter’s Influence: Learn about Twitter’s substantial user base, making it a pivotal social network for concise yet impactful communication in Singapore’s digital landscape. Stay updated for strategic insights.

Welcome to the digital pulse of Singapore.

In the bustling nexus of Southeast Asia’s technological innovation, social media isn’t just a tool; it’s a way of life.

As we stride into 2023, the social media landscape in Singapore continues to evolve, presenting businesses and marketers with a dynamic tapestry of opportunities and challenges.

In this era of data-driven decision-making, understanding the pulse of social media platforms isn’t merely an advantage—it’s a necessity.

Picture this: a city-state where social media platforms are the threads weaving together the diverse fabric of its society.

From the energetic buzz of youth culture to the boardrooms of multinational corporations, social media permeates every aspect of Singaporean life.

As we embark on this journey through the intricate web of Singapore’s social media ecosystem, prepare to dive deep into a sea of statistics, trends, and insights that will redefine the way you perceive digital engagement.

In a world where every like, share, and click carries meaning, understanding the statistics behind these actions is akin to deciphering a secret code.

For businesses, these statistics are more than mere numbers; they are the building blocks of successful marketing strategies.

They illuminate the path to reaching wider audiences, engaging potential customers, and building brand loyalty.

Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur, a seasoned marketer, or a corporate giant, the knowledge of social media statistics is your compass in the vast ocean of online interactions.

Our exploration into Singapore’s social media statistics isn’t merely a glance at the past—it’s a vision of the future.

By dissecting the data from 2023, we uncover the trends that are shaping the way businesses connect with their audiences.

From the rise of innovative social media platforms to the changing preferences of different demographics, these statistics are the breadcrumbs that lead us to the heart of consumer behavior.

Join us as we unravel the enigma of what makes Singaporeans click, share, and engage.

Knowledge is power, and in the realm of social media, it’s the key to unlocking unparalleled potential.

In this exhaustive exploration, we arm you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Whether you’re planning your next advertising campaign, crafting compelling content, or fine-tuning your social media strategy, the statistics presented here will be your guiding light.

Imagine having the ability to tailor your messages precisely to your audience, knowing what platforms they frequent, what content they crave, and what influences their purchasing decisions.

This is the power that social media statistics bestow upon the discerning marketer.

Get ready to embark on a journey that delves into the very soul of Singapore’s social media landscape.

We will journey through the statistics with a discerning eye, dissecting the nuances that make each data point significant.

Along the way, you’ll encounter real-life examples, success stories, and innovative strategies that have redefined the rules of social media engagement.

It’s not just about numbers; it’s about the stories these numbers tell and the lessons they impart.

So, fasten your seatbelts, dear reader.

As we navigate through the intricate channels of social media statistics in Singapore, prepare to be enlightened, inspired, and empowered.

By the time we reach the conclusion of this exploration, you won’t just be acquainted with statistics; you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to transform your digital presence, captivate your audience, and elevate your brand in the ever-evolving world of social media.

Let’s set sail into the digital future of Singapore, where every statistic is a beacon guiding us toward unparalleled success.

Welcome to “Top Singapore Social Media Statistics You Should Know in 2023.”

The journey starts now.

But, before we venture further, we like to share who we are and what we do.

About AppLabx

From developing a solid marketing plan to creating compelling content, optimizing for search engines, leveraging social media, and utilizing paid advertising, AppLabx offers a comprehensive suite of website development services designed to drive growth and profitability for your business.

AppLabx is well known for helping companies and startups drive social media lead generation and branding.

At AppLabx, we understand that no two businesses are alike. That’s why we take a personalized approach to every project, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and goals, and developing customized strategies to help them achieve success.

If you need a digital consultation, then send in an inquiry here.

Top Singapore Social Media Statistics You Should Know in 2023 (Latest & Updated)

  1. 84.7% of the Singapore Population are Active Social Media Users
  2. 96.9% of the Singapore Population are Internet Users
  3. Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users is 2 Hours and 13 Minutes
  4. Time Spent using Social Media decreased Year-On-Year (YOY) by 18 Minutes or 11.9%
  5. Singapore Users Spend an Average of 20 hours and 54 minutes Per Month on YouTube
  6. TikTok has seen a significant rise in usage from Singapore users with a YoY increase of 24.5% in time spent
  7. Singapore Users Spend an Average Time of 18 Hours Per Month on Facebook
  8. 25.6% of Singapore Users Find New Brands through Social Ads
  9. Digital Ad Spend (Including Social Media) Amounting to SG$2.17 Billion in Singapore
  10. Digital Ad Spending has increased by SG$287 Million from the Previous Year
  11. Digital Ad Spend (including Social Media) Making Up 62% of the Total Advertising Spend in Singapore
  12. Share of Total Ad Spend by Singapore Users & Businesses on Social Media Ads Is 30.3%
  13. Share of Total Ad Spend by Singapore Users & Businesses Increased by 16.2% From The Previous Year
  14. WhatsApp is the largest social network in Singapore with an 83.2% penetration rate
  15. Social Media Users in Singapore to Increase by a Total of 0.5 Million between 2024 and 2028
  16. Singapore Ranked 7th in the Asia-Pacific Region For Average Daily Time Spent using Social Media
  17. Twitter has the Top Social Network Advertising Audience in Singapore with 5.5 Million users

1. 84.7% of the Singapore Population are Active Social Media Users

(We Are Social)

The statistic that 84.7% of the Singapore population are active social media users paints a vivid picture of the nation’s digital landscape. In an era where connectivity and online presence have become integral aspects of daily life, this high percentage showcases the widespread embrace of social media platforms within Singapore. This figure not only underscores the nation’s technological advancement but also highlights the significance of digital communication and social networking in Singaporean society. From businesses engaging with their customers to individuals connecting with friends and family, social media has become the cornerstone of modern interpersonal interactions.

2. 96.9% of the Singapore Population are Internet Users

(We Are Social)

The statistic that 96.9% of the Singapore population are internet users illuminates the nation’s profound integration with the digital realm. This near-universal internet usage signifies more than just connectivity; it embodies a fundamental shift in how Singaporeans live, work, and interact. With such an overwhelming majority online, Singapore stands as a testament to the transformative power of the internet in shaping modern societies. This high internet penetration rate not only underscores Singapore’s technological infrastructure but also emphasizes the accessibility and inclusivity of digital resources.

3. Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users is 2 Hours and 13 Minutes

(We Are Social)

Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users is 2 Hours and 13 Minutes
Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users is 2 Hours and 13 Minutes

Every day, for an average of 2 hours and 13 minutes, Singapore social media users immerse themselves in a vibrant, virtual world. This is 12.1% of the average time spent on a daily basis (See chart below). In this realm, they explore, connect, and create amidst the pixels and hashtags. It’s a testament to the magnetic allure of social media platforms; they have become more than just apps on a screen, but portals to endless stories, trends, and conversations. Picture individuals sharing laughter, shedding tears, and discovering the world, all through the lens of their smartphones or computers. For marketers and content creators, this statistic is akin to a treasure map, pointing towards a vast sea of possibilities. It signifies not just time spent online, but moments of connection, inspiration, and influence.

4. Time Spent using Social Media decreased Year-On-Year (YOY) by 18 Minutes or 11.9%

(We Are Social)

Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users
Average Amount of Time Spent by Singapore Social Media Users

Year-on-year, the time spent using social media has decreased, decreasing by 18 minutes, or 11.9%. This decrease isn’t just a numerical tweak; it’s a whisper of change in the winds of the virtual world. Perhaps it signifies a newfound awareness, a conscious effort to balance the digital allure with the serenity of the tangible world. With 18 minutes reclaimed, there’s room for an extra chapter of a book, a few more sips of coffee shared with a friend, or a quiet moment of reflection beneath the city’s skyline. For marketers and social media enthusiasts, this slight dip in screen time might pose a challenge, a call to create content so compelling that it beckons users back for more. Yet, it’s also an opportunity, a reminder that quality triumphs over quantity. In these 18 minutes, there’s not just a reduction in scrolling but a chance for more meaningful engagements, deeper connections, and richer experiences. It’s a reminder that amidst the digital frenzy, the moments that truly matter are the ones that unfold beyond the screen, echoing the authentic beat of real-life connections.

5. Singapore Users Spend an Average of 20 hours and 54 minutes Per Month on YouTube

(We Are Social)

For over 20 hours every month, screens light up with the vivid hues of creativity, and speakers resonate with voices from around the globe. For content creators, this statistic signifies not just the duration but the depth of the audience’s investment. It’s a canvas of opportunity, where compelling narratives and innovative visuals can leave a lasting impression. It’s a reminder that within those 20 hours and 54 minutes, there’s a hunger for knowledge, a thirst for entertainment, and a yearning for connection. In the quiet hours of the night and the bustling moments of the day, YouTube becomes a companion, an educator, and a source of endless inspiration. It’s a testament to the power of digital platforms to unite, educate, and entertain, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences that stretch far beyond the confines of the screen. In these 20 hours and 54 minutes, there’s not just viewership; there’s a profound engagement with the artistry and creativity that makes YouTube a mesmerizing digital sanctuary for Singaporean souls.

6. TikTok has Seen a Rise in Usage from Singapore Users with a YoY Increase of 24.5% in Time Spent

(We Are Social)

In a testament to its magnetic appeal, Singaporean users have embraced TikTok with open arms, marking a meteoric rise in its usage. It’s a testament to the platform’s ability to captivate, entertain, and connect in a way that resonates deeply with Singapore’s digital audience. This surge isn’t just a numerical spike; it signifies a cultural shift, a new way of storytelling that has found a special place in the hearts and screens of Singaporean users. It’s a canvas where users become creators, crafting narratives in seconds and sharing them with the world. TikTok isn’t merely an app; it’s a stage, a virtual amphitheatre where talents are discovered, trends are born, and communities are formed. From dance challenges that unite individuals across the island to heartfelt stories that evoke laughter and tears, TikTok has become more than just a social media platform—it’s a cultural phenomenon.

For marketers and content creators, this surge in TikTok usage represents a golden opportunity. It’s a call to embrace the platform’s unique language, to tell stories in bitesize yet impactful ways, and to engage with an audience that craves authenticity and creativity. As TikTok continues to weave its magic, it reminds us that in the realm of social media, innovation knows no bounds. It’s a reminder that in the digital age, creativity is the currency that truly captures the hearts and minds of users.

7. Singapore Users Spend an Average Time of 18 Hours Per Month on Facebook

(We Are Social)

According to the chart above, Singapore users spend an average time of 18 hours per month on Facebook. This statistic isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to the enduring appeal of Facebook in the hearts of Singaporeans. Within those 18 hours, friendships are celebrated, families are virtually reunited, and communities thrive. It’s a space where laughter and thoughtful discussions harmonize, where news is shared, and where voices find resonance in the digital cacophony. For businesses and marketers, these 18 hours symbolize an invaluable opportunity. It’s a canvas for storytelling, a platform for engagement, and a hub for building authentic relationships with the audience. Within the confines of Facebook, there’s not just scrolling; there are shared moments of inspiration, educational discoveries, and brand interactions that leave lasting impressions.

8. 25.6% of Singapore Users Find New Brands through Social Ads

(We Are Social)

25.6% of Singapore Users Find New Brands through Social Ads
25.6% of Singapore Users Find New Brands through Social Ads

In the bustling digital marketplace of Singapore, social ads have emerged as powerful catalysts for brand discovery and exploration. In this 25.6%, there’s a dance of innovation, where brands showcase their uniqueness, and users embark on delightful journeys of discovery. Social ads, in their essence, have become more than marketing tools; they are bridges that connect aspirations with possibilities, transforming virtual encounters into tangible connections and transforming potential customers into loyal brand enthusiasts. As 25.6% of Singaporean users find new brands through social ads, it’s a reminder that in the digital age, creativity, authenticity, and relevance are the keys that unlock the doors of consumer engagement. It’s not just a statistic; it’s a testament to the evolving landscape of digital marketing, where every click signifies a moment of connection, and every conversion echoes the harmony of a successful digital strategy.

9. Digital Ad Spend (Including Social Media) Amounting to SG$2.17 Billion in Singapore

(We Are Social)

In the vibrant digital sphere of Singapore, where innovation meets opportunity, a staggering amount of SG$2.17 billion is invested in digital advertising, encompassing the vast landscape of social media and beyond. In this financial commitment, there’s a story of trust, strategy, and vision. Brands are not just spending; they’re investing in the art of storytelling, the science of data analytics, and the alchemy of creativity. This SG$ 2.17 billion represents more than financial transactions; it signifies the transformation of ideas into impactful campaigns, the transformation of casual viewers into loyal customers, and the conversion of mere clicks into meaningful engagements. For businesses and marketers, this figure is more than a budget; it’s an arsenal. It’s a resource that fuels the creation of compelling narratives, visually stunning advertisements, and interactive social media campaigns. It’s a declaration that in the dynamic digital landscape of Singapore, opportunities are vast, and the canvas for creativity is boundless.

10. Digital Ad Spending has increased by SG$287 Million from the Previous Year

(We Are Social)

Within this impressive surge of SG$287 million, there’s a story of innovation, opportunity, and adaptability. It represents a collective understanding among businesses that the digital realm isn’t just a platform; it’s a pulsating marketplace where ideas flourish, brands thrive, and connections come alive. This substantial increase signifies more than just monetary value; it encapsulates the trust businesses place in the potential of digital advertising to elevate their presence, engage their audience, and drive unprecedented growth. As digital ad spending skyrockets by SG$287 million in Singapore, it’s a beacon of change, a symbol of progress, and a promise of exciting times ahead. It signifies that the digital realm is not just an option; it’s the future, where innovation meets consumer demand, and where brands, armed with creativity and insight, shape a tomorrow that’s as dynamic as it is promising.

11. Digital Ad Spend (including Social Media) Making Up 62% of the Total Advertising Spend in Singapore

(We Are Social)

In the heart of Singapore’s advertising landscape, a remarkable shift is occurring, redefining the very essence of promotion and engagement. It’s a seismic transformation, symbolizing the unrivalled dominance of the digital realm in shaping consumer perceptions and driving brand narratives. For marketers and advertisers, this figure isn’t just a percentage; it’s a roadmap. It guides the crafting of campaigns, the selection of platforms, and the development of content that transcends the boundaries of traditional advertising. It’s a testament to the power of social media, where trends are born, conversations spark, and brand advocacy finds a voice in the digital chorus. This 62% doesn’t just signify digital presence; it’s a declaration of relevance. It’s an acknowledgement that consumers live in a world where the virtual and the real seamlessly blend. It’s a recognition that every click, every share, and every comment is a reflection of a brand’s ability to not just advertise but to engage, inspire, and become an integral part of people’s lives.

12. Share of Total Ad Spend by Singapore Users & Businesses on Social Media Ads Is 30.3%

(We Are Social)

Within this 30.3%, there’s a story of digital influence and strategic focus. It signifies more than just a monetary allocation; it reflects a deliberate choice by users and businesses to invest in platforms that offer unparalleled connectivity and engagement. In this percentage, there’s an understanding of the power of social media ads to transform casual observers into active participants, sparking conversations, and building brand loyalty in the digital realm. For marketers and advertisers, this share isn’t just a fraction of the budget; it’s a doorway to innovative storytelling. It invites the creation of captivating ad campaigns that resonate with the diverse social media audience in Singapore. It underscores the opportunity to craft narratives that not only capture attention but also inspire action, from likes and shares to meaningful conversions.

13. Share of Total Ad Spend by Singapore Users & Businesses Increased by 16.2% From The Previous Year

(We Are Social)

In the dynamic landscape of Singapore’s advertising scene, a remarkable surge has taken place. Consider this: the share of total ad spend by both Singaporean users and businesses has escalated by a substantial 16.2% from the previous year. This isn’t just a numerical uptick; it’s a testament to the evolving strategies and dynamic shifts in the way businesses are engaging with their audience. Within this 16.2% increase, there’s a narrative of progress and adaptability. It signifies more than just a financial boost; it’s an acknowledgement of the changing tides in consumer behavior, where digital platforms are becoming increasingly central to daily life. It’s a reflection of businesses recognizing the immense potential and reach of advertising in the digital realm.

14. WhatsApp is the largest social network in Singapore with an 83.2% penetration rate


WhatsApp is the largest social network in Singapore with an 83.2% penetration rate
WhatsApp is the largest social network in Singapore with an 83.2% penetration rate

The digital landscape of Singapore has witnessed a significant phenomenon: WhatsApp, the messaging giant, has emerged as the unrivaled leader, boasting an extraordinary 83.2% penetration rate, making it the largest social network in the nation. Within this 83.2%, there’s a story of communication and community. WhatsApp isn’t just an app; it’s a digital lifeline where friendships are nurtured, families stay connected across borders, and businesses engage with their customers seamlessly. It represents more than just a messaging platform; it’s a social network that bridges distances and fosters meaningful relationships.

15. Social Media Users in Singapore to Increase by a Total of 0.5 Million between 2024 and 2028


The digital landscape of Singapore is poised for a significant transformation: between 2024 and 2028, the number of social media users is anticipated to increase by an impressive 0.5 million. This projection isn’t just a statistic; it’s a glimpse into the future, painting a picture of the growing digital connectivity and engagement within the nation. Within this projected growth, there’s a story of expanding digital horizons and evolving communication. It signifies more than just numerical expansion; it’s an indication of the increasing importance of social media platforms in the daily lives of Singaporeans. These new users represent a diverse array of voices, perspectives, and interests, enriching the digital conversations and communities within Singapore.

16. Singapore Ranked 7th in the Asia-Pacific Region For Average Daily Time Spent using Social Media


In the dynamic digital landscape of the Asia-Pacific region, Singapore has secured its place among the frontrunners. Ranked 7th, Singaporeans dedicate a substantial portion of their daily lives to social media, showcasing a robust digital presence and a keen interest in online interactions. This 7th position isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to Singapore’s digital prowess. It showcases the nation’s ability to balance technological advancement with a social and community-oriented approach to the digital realm. It’s a reminder that in the competitive arena of social media, relevance, authenticity, and cultural understanding are key to capturing the hearts and minds of users.

17. Twitter has the Top Social Network Advertising Audience in Singapore with 5.5 Million Users


Within this audience of 5.5 million users, there’s a tale of influence and engagement. Twitter isn’t just a platform; it’s a digital agora where conversations spark, trends are born, and voices find resonance. These 5.5 million users represent more than just a number; they are individuals with diverse interests, opinions, and passions, making Twitter a vibrant hub of discussions and interactions.

As Twitter proudly leads with the top social network advertising audience in Singapore, it’s not just a title; it’s a recognition of the platform’s digital influence and the exciting possibilities it offers for brands and businesses aiming to make a mark in the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of Singapore’s social media scene.


In the ever-evolving digital realm of Singapore, understanding the intricate tapestry of social media statistics is not just a choice but a strategic necessity for businesses, marketers, and individuals alike.

As we delve deep into the year 2023, armed with the knowledge of the Top Singapore Social Media Statistics, a panoramic view of the digital landscape emerges, revealing not just numbers but narratives of engagement, opportunity, and connection.

Through this journey, we’ve explored the fascinating world of social media platforms, where conversations become communities, and interactions transform into relationships.

We’ve discovered that in Singapore, social media isn’t just a tool for communication; it’s a vibrant marketplace of ideas, trends, and innovation.

From the towering penetration rates of WhatsApp to the dynamic surge in TikTok usage, we’ve witnessed the digital heartbeat of Singapore in action.

WhatsApp has become the thread weaving families and friends together, bridging distances in a world that’s becoming increasingly global.

TikTok, with its meteoric rise, reflects not just a shift in platforms but a cultural transformation, where creativity knows no bounds, and users become curators of content.

We’ve explored the significant role of Facebook, where Singaporeans spend an impressive 18 hours every month, weaving the fabric of social connections and fostering communities.

Within those hours, businesses find opportunities to engage, educate, and empower, transforming casual viewers into brand advocates.

The rise of social media ads, claiming 25.6% of Singaporean users, signifies not just marketing potential but the art of storytelling in the digital age.

Social ads have become more than promotional content; they are gateways to discovery, invitations to explore, and bridges connecting consumers with innovative products and services.

In this digital odyssey, the 0.5 million forecasted increase in social media users between 2024 and 2028 paints a picture of evolution.

New voices will join the chorus of digital conversations, bringing fresh perspectives, diverse interests, and unique stories.

For businesses, this growth represents not just a market expansion but an opportunity to resonate with a broader audience, to craft narratives that echo in the hearts of the incoming users.

Amidst all these statistics, Twitter stands tall with its 5.5 million strong user base, embodying the power of concise yet impactful communication.

For marketers, Twitter isn’t just a platform; it’s a community where brands find their voice and engage with an audience that appreciates the potency of brevity.

As we conclude this exploration of the Top Singapore Social Media Statistics in 2023, we’re reminded of the transformative nature of the digital landscape.

It’s not just about numbers and figures; it’s about people, connections, and stories waiting to be told.

In the midst of these statistics, there’s an invitation—an invitation to businesses to innovate, to individuals to connect, and to marketers to craft campaigns that go beyond the screen, leaving a lasting imprint in the minds and hearts of the vibrant Singaporean audience.

In 2023 and beyond, these social media statistics are more than just data points; they’re keys to unlocking the full potential of digital engagement.

As Singapore continues to evolve in the digital realm, these statistics serve as signposts, guiding the way for businesses and individuals to navigate the exciting, ever-changing landscape of social media.

Embrace the trends, craft compelling narratives, and above all, recognize the immense power of authentic connections in the digital age.

The future of social media in Singapore is not just a projection; it’s a canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant strokes of innovation, creativity, and meaningful engagements.

If you are looking for a top-class digital marketer, then book a free consultation slot here.

If you find this article useful, why not share it with your friends and business partners, and also leave a nice comment below?

We, at the AppLabx Research Team, strive to bring the latest and most meaningful data, guides, and statistics to your doorstep.

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People Also Ask

What social media is popular in Singapore?

In Singapore, WhatsApp reigns supreme, connecting families and friends. Facebook fosters communities, with users spending 18 hours monthly. Twitter’s concise communication captivates 5.5 million users. TikTok’s creative surge reflects evolving digital tastes. These platforms shape Singapore’s vibrant social media landscape.

Does Singapore use social media?

Absolutely, Singaporeans are avid social media users. Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are integral to daily life. With extensive smartphone penetration, social media is a vital communication and entertainment channel for millions in Singapore.

Why is social media important in Singapore?

Social media in Singapore is vital for connection, business, and trends. It fosters family ties, empowers businesses, and shapes public discourse. With widespread digital literacy, social media serves as a nexus for communication, commerce, and cultural expression, influencing various aspects of society.


We Are Social
