Pinterest is known to be a platform for ideas and inspirations. However, in recent years, more people are seeing it as a platform to increase brand awareness and increase engagement. This could be a rather new idea to some of you hence this post will highlight 5 ways you can use Pinterest boost brand awareness. 

Before going into the 5 tips, it would be good to see why Pinterest is worth your precious time in digital marketing. According to a blogpost by Hootsuite, there are about 335 million users on Pinterest every month. 

The majority of the users are female and they are usually the ones with buying power in the household. Also, based on the same article, it is said that your ads can reach more than 169 million users. Also pins (which are posts on Pinterest) that clearly show how to use a product or service are 67% more likely to drive sales. Content on Pinterest also has a longer shelf life as compared to other social media platforms. With these simple statistics, I think it is clear how Pinterest is a social media platform worth exploring. 

1. Create a business account

Similar to other social media platforms, the first step to boosting your brand awareness on Pinterest is to create a business account. You could either convert your current personal account to a business account or create a business account from scratch. After creating a business account, you can start by claiming your website. Claiming your website on Pinterests means adding a meta tag or uploading an HTML file to your website’s HTML code. You can learn how to claim your website here

By claiming your website, you can have access to website analytics to learn about how your site is doing. It also makes it easier for people to find more of your content.

2. Plan for your content

Another tip to use Pinterest to boost brand awareness is to plan your content. Pinterest is a very visual platform. Users enjoy browsing through Pinterest for ideas and research before purchasing something. In fact, 90% of weekly users make purchase decisions on Pinterest.  Hence your content should capture the attention of your users so that your brand would be the one to push to make a decision. This helps you to boost your brand awareness. 

Pinterest also helps to showcase your products and the personality of your brand. Your content is very important in this platform hence it is even more important to plan for your content and make sure they are well-thought of. 

3. Use hashtags

Hashtags are also important on Pinterest. Users do their search using hashtags too, so if you use the correct hashtags for your product, you increase the chance for your product being noticed by the users. You can consider creating a hashtag just meant for your brand or use simple and short hashtags to appear on basic searches. Pinterest personally also suggested that the hashtag should be specific and descriptive. Do not add more than 20 hashtags per pin.

Hashtags are always helpful to let people find your content so make full use of them!

4. Organise your content

It is also important to organise your content on Pinterest. Pinterest offers this function known as Boards. Boards help to consolidate pins you have that are under one topic. Boards are efficient in helping you build brand awareness because you can gain followers when you create useful boards. For instance, you can have a board about “Creating nice instagram layouts” while linking the pins to your blog about digital marketing. People who find your board useful will follow it and get to know what your business is doing. Your board can potentially be one of the ways you connect with your audience. 

5. Create buyable pins

Lastly, you can create buyable pins on your account. This is a direct way to gain sales and awareness on Pinterest. Buyable pins allow users to buy your product directly from Pinterest, without having to visit your site. People who are very quick to make decisions can make sales from your pins straightaway. It could be something that they need, hence they searched on Pinterest. For example, your product could be baking tools and when your pins come under the search “How to bake cookies easily”, your product might be something that these users need and hence they can easily buy your product while searching for recipes at the same time. 

Here are the 5 ways to boost your brand awareness on Pinterest. Pinterest is probably not the first platform you think of when you want to do digital marketing for your business. However, based on these 5 tips, you can tell that Pinterest is a platform with functions that help to boost your brand awareness and in fact, it is actually very doable to publicise your brand on this platform.