An increasing number of people have gained interest in this rising social media platform, TikTok. Many people have jumped on the bandwagon as users of the platform, either to browse through the creative videos that are put up or be the one making them. Obviously, brands and businesses see this platform as an opportunity to market themselves and gain awareness. So the next question is, how do you make your brand known on TikTok? 

  • Create an account on Tiktok
  • Have a plan on what you want to do with your account
  • Plan a campaign
  • Execute your plans

Although a relatively new platform especially for social media marketing , there are successful stories of brands establishing themselves on TikTok and there are definitely things to learn from them.  

In this post, I will be listing out some tips on how to make your brand known on TikTok and hopefully inspire you to also explore this new platform! 

1. Create an account

Firstly, to get started with brand awareness on TikTok, you have to create an account (I know this is very obvious but it is an important step). I have friends who are very curious about TikTok, but only watch videos through the web or reposted content on Instagram and Facebook. But if you really want to explore TikTok, you should just create an account!
For now, TikTok does not have a business account unlike Instagram and Facebook, but their normal account works just fine. In fact, you can see the statistics that you will need- number of views, likes, comments and shares. Create an account with your business’ name as your username. TikTok also allows you to link your other socials in your biography and you are highly encouraged to do that for your brand! 

Once you created your account, then you are good to move on to the next step.

2. Have a plan on what you want to do with your account.

After understanding the demographics and algorithms of TikTok as much as possible, it is time for you and your team to come up with a good marketing strategy. I am sure your strategy for other platforms might work on TikTok too, but to a certain extent. 

This is because the demographics on TikTok is very different, with a majority of them from Generation Z. Also, as mentioned in an earlier article published on this blog, TikTok is very much content-centric. Content is the key on this platform and good content will somehow snatch the spotlight. Hence, your strategy should consider the types of creative contents you want to post that are relevant to your business at the same time. Not all the videos have to be relevant to your business, especially at the start as joining the trend, for example, a new dance challenge, can bring more users to your account. However, it would be good if your videos are relevant to your brand and your audience at the same time. Tough to strike a balance, isn’t it!

3. Plan a campaign

It is also wise to plan a campaign for your brand if you would like to launch one. Campaigns on TikTok could take the form of hashtag trends or challenges. An example of a popular campaign is the #InMyDenim challenge launched by Guess. It was the first ever promoted hashtag collaboration with a brand on TikTok U.S. The challenge involved users to show their transformation from a disheveled look to a presentable look using Guess’ denim. Guess also involved influencers to create videos using the hashtag.  As of today, the hashtag has accumulated 51m views! 

Hence, if you would like to launch a campaign, a clear plan should be devised. What kind of challenge would entice users to take on and also showcase your brand at the same time? Guess’ challenge was not difficult at all, which is what made people want to participate. At the same time, their brand also gained increased awareness. After their 6-days campaign, they actually gained 12,000 new followers

4. Execute your plans and have fun!

After coming up with the ideas and plans for your TikTok marketing, what other ways to see if they work other than testing it? Start to film videos and post your creative content! Only then, you would be able to see what works. 

TikTok is a creative place. Enjoy watching and creating the videos because only then you will show that you are genuine about your content and its purpose. 

Here are the tips on how to make your brand known on TikTok. If you require any insights on whether to even try TikTok, check out our previous article! All in all, like any other social media platforms, users of TikTok also enjoy seeing valuable content that can entertain them or add value to their lives. Hence, with that in mind and the tips, you can make your brand known on this growing platform too!